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 Review and Request State Appointments


You can view the licenses and state appointments that we have on file for you by following the steps below.


Your Licenses and Appointments:

1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent

2. Select "Contracting" from the navigation menu and then select "State Appointments" from the drop down menu.


Downline Licenses and Appointments:

1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent

2. Select "My Business" from the navigation menu and then select "Downlines" from the drop down menu.

3. Select the agent you wish to check by clicking the blue magnifying glass on the row with their name.

4. Select the "Appointments" tab from the list of tabs underneath the agent's name


If a license is eligible to be appointed, a blue button will appear next to the license labeled "Request Appointment." If you do not see the state listed, then it has not been updated in NIPR yet.  Check back regularly until the license shows up.  We can not appoint an agent until their license is reflected in NIPR.

Note: The "Active Licenses" table will show the active licenses we have on file for you as well as their appointment status. If you or the downline is an agency, the "Active Principal Licenses" table will show the principal agent's active licenses along with their appointment status. 


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Article ID: 22

Category: Agent Portal Basics

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)