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 Category: Agent Portal Basics

Articles in this Category

Signing In To the Agent Portal
Signing In To sign into the agent portal, visit insuranceadmin.com/agent/. Then enter your email address and password. If you select, "remember me", you will remain logged in. Make sure you only chec...
Article rated 4.0/5.0
Invitation Codes
You can contract agents under you by providing them with invitation codes. These codes set the agent's commission levels and binds them to you as your direct downline. You may generate a code for any ...
Article rated 5.0/5.0
Resetting a Password
Please use the following steps to reset your password for the agent portal:   1. Navigate to: https://insuranceadmin.com/agent 2. Click "Forgot Password" in the upper right hand corner of the login b...
Article rated 3.0/5.0
Registrations are tied to your contract with the carrier, and registrations are by invitation only. Contact your marketer if you need an invitation code. If you have been provided with a contracting l...
Article rated 1.0/5.0
Hierarchy Change
To change an agent's hierarchy please follow steps below in agent portal. You must be the current direct upline of the agent being moved.   1. Please login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadm...
Article rated 1.0/5.0
Change Bank Request
For security reasons, our staff is not able to make changes to an agent's banking and payment information.  You can initiate these changes by completing the following steps:   1. Login to the agent ...
Article not rated yet
AML Training
AML Training can be completed by following the steps below:   1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent 2. Select "General Information" from the navigation menu and then select...
Article rated 2.1/5.0
Review and Request State Appointments
You can view the licenses and state appointments that we have on file for you by following the steps below.   Your Licenses and Appointments: 1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.co...
Article rated 3.0/5.0
Update Login & Contact Information
You can update your  login/contact information (address, email, phone) from the agent portal by following the steps below.   1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent 2. Selec...
Article not rated yet
Download Copy of Contract
Contracts can be downloaded from the agent portal by following the steps below.   1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent 2. Click "Contracting" in the navigation menu and th...
Article rated 5.0/5.0
Add Product to Downline
Please follow the steps below to add a product to a downline agent:   1. Login to the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin.com/agent 2. Click "My Business" from the navigation menu and then click "...
Article rated 3.0/5.0
Changing Commission Rates and Advancing
Commission rates and advance terms can only be changed by the direct upline using the agent portal.  Here are the steps to complete the process: 1. Log into the agent portal at https://insuranceadmin...
Article rated 5.0/5.0