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To change an agent's hierarchy please follow steps below in agent portal. You must be the current direct upline of the agent being moved.
1. Please login to the agent portal at
2. Select “Downlines” and find the agent’s name you wish to move.
3. Click the magnifying glass in the “View” column beside their name, then select the tab that says “Change Upline (Manager).”
4. Enter the writing number of the new upline, and carefully review the form.
5. Make sure the new upline is correct.
6. After you approve and submit this form at the bottom, a copy of this will be sent to proposed new upline to sign and accept the new downline.
7. The hierarchy change will be processed within 2 business days after all signatures are collected.
Please note: The commission levels of the downline must not be greater than that of the new upline (even for renewals).
Let us know if you have any questions or if the current upline is unable or unwilling to perform these steps.